From the Catholic Enquiry Centre Prayer book

Prayers for the gift of Faith
Lord, give me the gift of faith so that I may see the truth of all you teach. I believe, Lord, because you cannot deceive me or lead me astray. Help me, Lord, at all times to trust you rather than myself, and to realise that your truth and your love are the sure road to happiness in this life and the next.
Lord, grant me the grace of a deep, fervent and living faith in you and all you have revealed. Take away all pride, vanity, insincerity, self-interest, and anything that may hinder me from accepting your truth. Help me trust in you and your power to save. Lead me and guide me so that I may grow in your love.
A Prayer in time of happiness
I praise you, my God; I love you and thank you. Let me share my happiness with others and let me always try to bring comfort to the sick and lonely. Keep me in the true and lasting happiness that can only come from loving and serving you, my Lord and God.
A prayer in time of fear
Every day I need you, Lord, but this day especially I need some extra strength to face whatever is to be. This day I need to feel you are near to fortify my courage and overcome my fear. By myself I cannot meet the challenge of the hour.
There are times when human creatures need a higher power to help them bear what must be borne; and so, Lord Jesus I pray, hold onto my trembling hand and be with me today.
A Driver's Prayer
Lord, make me a careful and watchful driver, so that I may not cause death or pain through any neglect of mine. Protect all who are with me in my car. Help me to enjoy the beauty of your creation and be thoughtful of others at all times.
Lord Jesus Christ, be with me on my journey and bring me home in peace; at the end of life, meet me and welcome me to my true home with you forever.
Prayer for the sick
Loving Father, have mercy on (name) who is sick. Help (name) accept his/her illness as a share in the Cross of your Son. May the powerful love of your Holy Spirit comfort and protect (name) in this time of trial. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for those who have passed
Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
Prayer of Contrition (said at the end of the Sacrament of Reconciliation)
O my God, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you because you are so good. With the help of your grace, I will not sin again. Amen.