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Recent Reflections


The Transfiguration by Edwin Muir

The poet, Scottish writer Edwin Muir, weaves his personal experience of visions into the narrative of the Transfiguration, as well as reflecting on the transformative power of following Christ. In the poem, the outward demonstration of the divine nature of Jesus passes too quickly. Yet Muir reminds us that we await Jesus’s return.  

I would argue that Jesus continues to transform lives every day. That He is with us still, whether at Mass or in our hearts and He is certainly in our prayer. We are waiting for Christ, and yet He remains with us. 

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Jesus in the Wilderness

This may a controversial choice of poem to reflect this Sunday's Gospel reading. The poet engages with the humanity of Jesus as he hungers and is tempted by the devil in the desert. She focuses on his suffering with vivid imagery, which is why I like the poem so much. When I read Luke 4:1-13, I imagine Jesus walking serenely through the desert unbothered by any sort of physical discomfort, because He is God. However, He is also a man, and would have suffered terribly. 



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Radical Mercy

In today’s Gospel, Jesus describes a radically merciful way to treat others, including those who have hurt us in some way. “I say this to those who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly.” Luke 6:27

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