Be Bold

On Word of God Sunday, a day when we are invited to pay particular attention to scripture, we look closely at the readings of Mass. Luke begins by explaining his purpose: to provide an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, so that we may know the certainty of the teachings we have received.
This introduction sets the stage for the story of Jesus's return to Nazareth, where He boldly reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue.
Jesus's return to His hometown is significant. He stands up to read, and the passage He chooses is a powerful one: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor." Jesus identifies Himself as the fulfilment of this prophecy. His words astonish those present, and He confidently proclaims, "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing."
Luke's account emphasises the authority and confidence with which Jesus speaks. This moment sets the tone for the transformative message He will bring. It also highlights the foundation of the disciples' teachings after Jesus's departure. They were not merely recounting stories; they were sharing well-founded teachings rooted in the life and mission of Jesus, and in His Words.
The first reading from Nehemiah describes the people of Israel listening attentively to the reading of the Law, responding with reverence and joy. This parallels the reaction of those in the synagogue, who are initially amazed by Jesus's words. Both readings underscore the importance of listening to and understanding God's Word.
In the second reading, Paul speaks to the Corinthians about the unity and diversity of the body of Christ. Each member has a unique role, and together, they form a cohesive and functioning body. This unity is essential for the Church, just as the teachings of Jesus provide a solid foundation for the disciples and for us today.
May we be inspired by the readings today to listen attentively to God's Word and to respond with boldness and confidence. Let us remember that the teachings of Jesus are truly well-founded and can guide us through life with all its trials.
Today's Readings: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 Psalm 18 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Photo Credit: Ben White/Wirestock
Source: Word of God Sunday
This Sunday