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Blessings and Woes

In light of today’s Gospel reading from Luke, we have no choice but to examine ourselves and our priorities.

Jesus delivers a powerful message known as the Beatitudes and Woes. Standing on a level place, surrounded by His disciples and a large crowd, Jesus begins by proclaiming blessings on those who are poor, hungry, weeping, and persecuted. He assures them that their reward will be great in heaven. Conversely, He pronounces woes on those who are rich, well-fed, and well-regarded, warning them of the hardships to come.

Jesus's words challenge our understanding of happiness and success. In a world that often equates wealth, comfort, and popularity with being blesses, Jesus radically turns this notion upside down. He blesses those who are suffering, promising them the kingdom of God and the joys of a heavenly reward.

One of the many prayers and pictures I have pinned by my desk is a quote from St Teresa of Avila: “The tree that is beside the water is fresher and gives more fruit.” It is a similar quote to the reading from Jeremiah:

 “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord,
    whose trust is the Lord.
 They shall be like a tree planted by water,
    sending out its roots by the stream.
It shall not fear when heat comes,
    and its leaves shall stay green;
in the year of drought it is not anxious,
    and it does not cease to bear fruit."

We are reminded that true blessing comes from trusting in God and aligning our lives with His will. We are blessed because we spend time with God, and strive to be close to Him. The Beatitudes challenge us to see beyond worldly measures of success and to find our hope in God. We are comforted in our suffering, and experience Hope in hardship. This comfort is like water to the roots of the tree. It is Hope that allows us to drink so deeply from the stream.

Let us pray that we, like the tree planted by water, will draw our strength from the Lord and bear fruit in every season.

Today's Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-8    Psalm 1    1 Cornithians 15:12, 16-20    Luke 6:17, 20-26

Photo Credit: Lolostock/Adobe Stock

Source: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday