Brightest and Best

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, ask Jesus for positions of honour in His glory. Jesus responds by teaching that true greatness comes from serving others, not from seeking power or prestige. He uses His own life as an example, stating that He came “not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many,” Mark 10:45.
This message is very different from the values we see around us in the modern secular world, where success equates to wealth and power. As followers of Christ, we look around us and we are challenged to ask: Who is the brightest? Who is the best?
I attended a Māori achievement ceremony this week at one of our Catholic schools. As well as sports and academic prizes, a number of the categories related to kindness. One was for the Māori student who showed the most kindness and humility to others. Another was for Manaakitanga, which refers to hospitality and generosity. There was also an award for service to the school. For each award, students who had been nominated were asked to come up on stage to receive a certificate. They lined up while they waited to hear which of them had won the trophy.
It made my heart swell to see the number of students who had been nominated for these awards by their teachers. In fact, there were so many, they could barely fit across a very large stage. When the overall winner was announced in these categories, the others cheered in genuine pleasure that one of their friends had won. Waiata and haka broke out throughout the evening, giving honour to the students who served others the most.
According to the teachings of Jesus, it is these students, who serve with such obvious humility, who are the brightest and the best.
Today's Readings: Isaiah 53:10-11 Psalm 32 Hebrews 4:14-16 Mark 10:35-45
Photo Credit: Jacob Lund
Source: Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
This Sunday