Change your Hearts

(Ex 3.1-8a,13-15; 1 Cor 10.1-6,10-12; Lk 13.1-9)
Thomas Aquinas was a great theologian and lover of God. Yet when it came to describe the God he had studied his entire life, he said, “We can know what God is like; we can know what he is not; we can know what he is greater than; but we cannot know him as he is.” For God is beyond all human grasp or conception.
Out of the burning bush God revealed a name, I AM. Utterly simple and irreducible, this name says so much. There is just me, one God; all else is passing. I love you and want you to be free, but you cannot control me.
My call and the destiny that I give you is to be like me – loving, just and forgiving. For you are all weak and sinful. Misfortunes that occur are not my punishment on the wicked but the price of living in a free and fragile world.
I do not change but I long for you to change. Much of the suffering in the world is due to your obstinacy and refusal to accept my love. I am imploring you, change your hearts and lives, for otherwise you will bring destruction on yourselves and your world.
Source: 3rd Sunday of Lent
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