Self adoration

(Is 49.3,5-6; 1 Cor 1.1-3; Jn 1.29-34)
So much of our viewing and media time is taken up with people flaunting their strengths, their talents and sheer audacity. Self-promotion is the mark of the new secular cult of adoration, such as we have too often seen played out in US politics and Oscar presentations.
What a contrast we see in John the Baptist. Here is a man deeply aware of his own unique call (Jn 1.31), who had drawn listeners from near and far, priests and paupers, rich and poor, to hear his challenging words. Some had become his disciples. Without hesitation, he now yields up his own call to point out Jesus as the authentic Word of God, so allowing many of his closest disciples to walk away to follow this new prophet (Jn 1.32-34)
We know that pope Francis has entreated members of the Roman Curia and hierarchy of the Church to model themselves on such servant leadership. (cf Is 49.3) We too are invited to share John’s humility; that is, not to deny our talents and strengths but rather to realise they are but small stones in the temple that Christ is building. Through our reading and contacts we know holy and skilful leaders and prophets who have the gift of bringing others to God. Let us trumpet them, not ourselves.
Source: 2nd Sunday of year A1
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