For the First Time in History

(Acts 14.21-27; Rev 21.1-5a; Jn 13.31-33a,34-35)
In a world weary with war and ideological battles between left and right, how exhilarating it is to hear the words, “Behold, I make all things new.” (Rev 14.27) The book of Revelation might read like a science fiction fantasy filled with bizarre monsters and cosmic wars, but it is an extended parable to provide hope for the new Christian communities founded by Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14.27) which faced bloody persecution at the hands of the Roman empire.
The crux of this work is that Christ will conquer and reign, not in a distant realm filled with disembodied spirits but here in a new earth filled with temples, rivers and trees heavy with fruit.
This vision helps to reinforce the exceptional importance of Pope Francis’ letter on a new world order, Laudato Si’. It is about care for planet earth, our home, but equally about the patterns of just and fair distribution of resources and the recognition of spiritual bonds that link humans, animals and flora, and on which planet earth depends.
For the first time in human history we have the knowledge and resources to make that happen. What it needs for this to come about is to unleash the power of mutual love and respect that flow from Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection. (Jn 13.34-35)
Source: Reflection 5th Sunday Easter year C1
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