Forgiveness brings healing

A transforming moment
When, while dying on the cross, Jesus cried out, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Lk 23.34), it was a transforming moment in history. For, in one way, the Jewish faction who plotted Jesus’s death knew exactly what they were doing in their planning and shrewd manipulation of the crowds and the Roman administration. Yet, in another way, they were ignorant – oblivious to how this innocent man’s death would bring courage and inspiration to millions who would later gather around the image of his cross.
How forgiveness can heal
Modern medicine has shown us how high levels of stress can affect us profoundly, both psychologically and physically. It can lower our immune system making us much more liable to asthma, diabetes and ulcers. Deeply repressed anger and refusal to forgive can destroy not only the joy of life but can eventually erode even our will to live.
While we resent, hate and refuse those who have harmed us, they continue to wreak havoc in our lives. Instead, if we let go of such feelings by forgiving those who have abused us, we free ourselves from multiple burdens.
Forgiveness is profoundly Christian but it is also new life for all those who walk this way.
Source: Catholic Discovery
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