
In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus contrasts the behaviour of the scribes with that of a poor widow. He criticises the scribes for their ostentatious displays of piety and their exploitation of the vulnerable. In contrast, the widow, despite her poverty, gives two small coins, which is all she has to live on.
Here, we are asked to reflect on the nature of our giving and to have a good honest look at our motivations. The widow’s offering, though small in monetary value, is immense in its sacrificial love and trust in God’s providence. She knows He will provide for her.
Consider how you give—whether it be your time, talents, or resources. Are you giving out of a sense of duty or for recognition, like the scribes, or are we giving out of genuine love and trust in God, like the widow?
This passage calls us to a deeper level of generosity, one that is rooted in faith and love.
Today's Readings: 1Kings 17:10-16 Psalm 145 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44
This Sunday