God is Love

In this Sunday's readings, there is an overwhelming message of Love. In John 15:17, we hear Jesus saying “What I command you to do is Love one another.” In 1 John 4:8, we are told that “God is Love”.
There is also a clear message that Love is meant to be inclusive. There are no caveats to Love. We are not told, Love one another, except those who eat apples too loudly or slurp their tea - or lie, or steal, or sin in other ways. We are simply told to Love each other. Full Stop.
Sometimes it’s difficult to love members of our own family, never mind a stranger whose behaviour goes against our values. But we must love if we are to follow Christ.
So, how do we love when we don’t really love? How do we love someone we dislike? How do we love them when we cannot get along with them?
I would argue that it is still possible to love others and not particularly like them or what they do. I may not like someone, but I try my hardest to be nice to them. I tell my children this, and they accuse me of being false, or two-faced. I don’t think being nice to people you don’t like is being false. I think the idea of being 'false' a concept that’s been normalised through trashy reality TV. Being nice to people is loving them – it’s showing kindness and generosity and compassion, even if we really don’t immediately like them. Because that’s what Jesus told us to do, and that’s what’s right. Feeling love for them? That can evolve over time and prayer.
Now, before anyone thinks I’m painting myself as some sort of saint, let me clarify that this is what I try to do. I fail at this A LOT. So much so that over the years I’ve been forced to examine and evaluate why I fail to love others. What are the barriers to love for me?
Usually, two emotions are getting in my way – fear and resentment. For you it may be anger, pride, or jealousy. For me, fear and resentment have me riding a red-hot motorbike to Hell. Fear makes me avoid others and act defensively; resentment makes me sulk, which is a form of abusive behaviour, and I withdraw from that person either dramatically or passive aggressively. This is what I do, just ask my poor husband, and this is what I take to the confessional again and again.
I know that fear and resentment stop me from loving others. I also know that God takes these emotions from me when I ask Him to. But I don’t ask Him enough and people, myself included, are hurt in the meantime.
This is why we need to revisit scripture again and again, and why the daily readings are so important. Today, I am reminded to ask forgiveness for failing to love. I am also reminded to ask God to take those barriers away so that I can love as He commands.
What stops you from loving others? Prejudice? Judgement? Resentment? Holding on to the past? Fearing the future?
Whatever it is, God can take it away if you ask Him to.
Lord, take away the barriers that get in the way of Love. Allow Love to flow from me in Your name to everyone I meet today, no matter who they are. Allow me to forgive those who sin against me and others, and give me the courage to Love without fear.
I ask for the guidance I need to live out your most important commandment today and every day.
God is Love; God, help me to Love. Amen.
Today's Readings: Acts 10:25-48 Psalm 97 1 John 4:7-10 John 15:9-17
Picture credit: PeopleImages Istock
Source: Sixth Sunday of Easter
This Sunday