I am a sinful man

In today's Gospel reading from Luke, we encounter Simon Peter's profound reaction to the miraculous catch of fish. After a night of fruitless labour, Simon Peter follows Jesus's instruction to cast the net once more, resulting in an overwhelming catch. Witnessing this miracle, Simon Peter falls at Jesus's knees and exclaims, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" (Luke 5:8).
This moment captures the essence of feeling unworthy in the presence of the divine. Simon Peter's response is one of humility and self-awareness. He recognises his own sinfulness and feels unworthy to be in the presence of Jesus. This feeling of unworthiness is something many of us can relate to on our spiritual journey.
Feeling unworthy is a natural response when we encounter the holiness and perfection of God, and we often allow this feeling to get in the way of our journey. Like Simon Peter, and Paul in his letter to the Corinthians, and poor Isaiah in the first reading, we are at times acutely aware of our own flaws and shortcomings. This recognition is not meant to lead us to despair but to a deeper understanding of our need for God's grace and mercy. Yes, we are sinners, but God’s mercy is profound and He loves us unconditionally, warts and all.
Jesus's response to Simon Peter is both comforting and empowering. He does not reject Simon or distance Himself from him. Instead, He says, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people" (Luke 5:10). Jesus acknowledges Simon's unworthiness but calls him to a greater mission despite it. Perhaps Simon Peter is a better disciple because of it?
Feeling unworthy can sometimes hold us back from fully embracing our call to discipleship. We may doubt our abilities or question whether we are good enough to serve God. However, the Gospel reminds us that it is not our worthiness that qualifies us but God's grace.
How do you respond when you feel unworthy in the presence of God?
Can you identify moments in your life where you felt God's call despite your feelings of unworthiness?
How can you embrace God's grace and move forward in your spiritual journey, trusting that He will equip you for the mission He has for you?
As we ask ourselves these questions, we should remember that feeling unworthy is a part of our human experience. In fact, it is in our unworthiness that God's grace shines the brightest.
Today's readings: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 Psalm 138 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11
Photo Credit: Azahara MarcosDeLeon / Adobe Stock
Source: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sin , This Sunday