Light the Way

The Gospel of Matthew recounts the visit of the Magi, who followed a star to find the newborn King. This story is rich with symbolism and meaning, and to do the passage justice, you would have to write a book about this scene, not a mere reflection. So, we ask ourselves, what is one aspect that helps me, on this Epiphany Sunday, greet Jesus as the Magi did?
They followed a path lit by a star to find Jesus. Can we relate to this?
I wasn’t aware that my path was cosmically lit as I walked to Christ. In fact, quite the opposite at times. A faith journey can resemble stumbling about in the dark. However, it must have been light enough for me to find Him, as find Him I did.
The reading from the prophet Isaiah also shares this theme of ‘light’. He speaks of nations coming to the light, which is fulfilled in the Gospel story. Paul's letter to the Ephesians emphasizes that Gentiles are co-heirs in Christ. Together, these readings remind us that Jesus is the light for all nations, calling us to reflect His light in our lives.
Epiphany brings to mind the Christmas carol, "We Three Kings." There’s a sense in the lyrics of the carol that the magi travelled a long way to find their saviour.
For all of us, there are days when He feels like a long way off in the distance. Yet, this is what faith is all about, believing that He is close by even when we feel far away.
Lord, we thank you for coming to live with us on earth and for the light you bring to humanity. We ask that you light our paths every day.
Today's readings:
Source: Epiphany Sunday
This Sunday