
In my work at the Catholic Enquiry Centre, I sow seeds. I’m acutely conscious of it. Having been in the job for a few months, I can now empathise with the priest when he delivers a homily; will anyone really be listening? Will his words reach rich soil? Will he say exactly the right words someone needs to hear?
One of the aspects of Mass that keeps me turning up every Sunday is the homily. I sometimes feel as if it could have been written for me, because it is absolutely what I needed to hear. This is especially the case when I feel confronted by something our parish priest has said; some home truth that I'd rather not acknowledge. It’s good to eat a bit of humble pie just before the Eucharist.
Fr Neil Vaney SM began writing the This Sunday reflections for the website a couple of years ago, and I continued to do so when I took over. They get a couple of hundred views and a few likes on Facebook. They bring some traffic to the website, but hardly on a scale that could be considered big numbers when it comes to internet traffic - far from it. But I keep thinking, what if one person reads exactly what they need to in that moment? If my words reach even one person and it makes a difference, do the Google stats matter?
Like the priest on Sunday, I sow words like seeds hoping and praying that someone will read what they need to read and find themselves closer to God.
This is the job that Jesus gave to all of us, whether we are ordinary parishioners or Pope Francis himself. We all have to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Let's not allow the few seeds that fall on the rocks stop us.
Today's readings: Isaiah 55:10-11 Psalm 64 Romans 8:18-23 Matthew 13:1-9
Source: Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
This Sunday