The Lord is near

On the fourth Sunday of Advent, our focus shifts to the immediate preparation for the birth of Jesus.
The Gospel reading recounts the Visitation, where Mary visits her relative Elizabeth, and Elizabeth’s baby leaps in her womb. This moment is an expression of the joy of Christ’s presence even before His birth. Let us also feel this joy in the coming of Jesus Christ. Be present in that joy, and try to imagine the scene where these happy women anticipate the nativity together.
In the first reading, His coming is foretold in the book of Micah, where it is written, using language of power and glory, that a ruler will come from the town of Bethlehem. The story of the nativity fulfils this promise. In truth, Jesus fulfils all the promises held within Scripture and the Tradition of the Church teaches us how.
As we approach Christmas, we can be sure of God’s love for us and his saving grace. There is much joy to be found in this promise.
As we light the last Advent candle, let’s embrace Christmas with this same spirit of hope and readiness as Mary and Elizabeth. Let something inside of us jump for joy, knowing that the Lord is near.
Today's readings: Micah 5:1-4 Psalm 79 Hebrews 10:5-10 Luke 1:39-44
Photo Credit: dimedrol68/Adobe Stock
Source: Fourth Sunday of Advent
This Sunday