Use Prayer to Awaken our Gifts

(Acts 2.1-11; 1 Cor 12.3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8.8-17; Jn 20.19-23)
Living in Wellington is to live with the whims of the wind. There are a couple of dead still days. Then suddenly pouring over the Makara hills comes the riotous nor’wester sending rubbish bins rolling, small branches zooming along the footpaths, and women’s skirts askew.
When I was a high school teacher I learned a powerful message about weather as part of a group taking a course on mountain leadership on the Desert Plateau with Graeme Dingle. One evening he gave a fascinating presentation on how to predict changes in weather by noting the shape, colour, direction and speed of the clouds.
There is an intriguing parallel here with the disciples’ experience on Pentecost Sunday. Jesus has told them the Spirit would come in power. When they felt the wind blow and the fire flare up in their hearts and minds, then they recalled his words about change of hearts and minds, conversion and healing, that is, ‘the mighty acts of God.’ (Acts 2.11)
Each of us in our baptism was given the gift of the Holy Spirit to drink and to dwell in our hearts. (1 Cor 12.13) Each of us has gifts of teaching, witness and healing, most likely lying dormant within us. To awaken them demands reading the signs of the times.
We do this through prayer. It is the current that stirs up inner strength, resources and virtues that will enable us to bring healing and forgiveness to others. This cannot happen unless we seek out this hidden fountain within us, the Holy Spirit, observing its flow and currents, moulding us to be other Christs in this world. (Jn 20.23)
Source: Pentecost Sunday year C1
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